Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Being Productive

When I know there are a lot of things on my To-Do list, I usually get overwhelmed, attempt to organize my thoughts on the order of execution, and then end up watching netflix to relax. I'm working on it...

BUT, the past two days have been so productive. Yesterday, I pretty much packed up most of my room and bathroom to get ready for the move in 12 days (what?!).

Today, I called to transfer the electric bill into my name for my new place, paid my medical bill, canceled my renter's insurance, requested a replacement check, figured out the deal with my car taxes and moving, and (per the mister's request) looked into how much DirectTV would cost me.

I did pretty well if I do say so myself. And I do. Tonight, Brantley is coming over with her main little man Jackson and is going to help me start packing up my kitchen. Which may or may not have more to pack than my room. Just saying. (Can we also talk about how long my hair looks in this picture!)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful hair! :) Way to go on all the productive action. I think it feels so good to have those sorts of days. :)
