Sunday, August 14, 2011

a birthday post.

Because I have hundreds of equally handsome pictures of the perfect little gentleman, Cartier, I will spare you the picture overload and split the birthday post up into three. :)
Tomorrow, Cartier turns 2! I can't believe he is already there. I remember the first Christmas I spent with the mister's family, I met little 4 month old Cartier and we took a little nap together on the couch. Can we talk about the magic feeling that is a tiny baby napping on you? I'm sure all you momma's out there know what I'm talking about. But anyhow, he was adorable and I was smitten. I love babies, so sue me.
I can't believe how much he's grown. One day I was holding him as a baby and the next time I saw him he was crawling around and showing off that charming personality of his. He is one charming kid, let me tell you.
Then the next time he was walking and knew a couple words. "Shoes" was his favorite which is appropriate because the boy loves shoes. Also "ball". That's a boy for you. Now he's a smart little cookie and can say a lot more than shoes and ball and I'm pretty sure his new favorite word is "cookies" and the way he says it is so funny. A true "oo" like Cookie Monster says. He can also say puppy pretty well, too. Most importantly, he loves and can say "Spongebob"... how you learn to say spongebob before juice is still a mystery to me.
Anyhow, tomorrow he turns two and I wish so much that I could be there in Texas to celebrate with him.
Part II tomorrow. Adios.